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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

A Downland Parish - Ash by Wrotham in Former Times by W. Frank Proudfoot

A manuscript history of Ash, written in the 1970's but never published (about W. Frank Proudfoot)

Chapter 12 - The Fulljames Survey of 1792  page 168

John, son of William Tasker of Dartford, was baptized at Ash and, eleven days later, both the child and his mother, Ellen Tasker, were buried there, The family is not otherwise mentioned in the ancient registers.

13a. The earlier Gladdishes seem to have been a good deal more prosperous than their descendants, or namesakes, who were in Ash in the later years of the eighteenth century and in the early nineteenth century. They also appear to have married well. In addition to the instances mentioned in the text, there was a Robert Gladdish, who may or may not have been an Ash man, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Dunston of Ash. The Dunstons were a family of some standing, as is evidenced by an heraldic white marble stone in the south aisle of Ash church that commemorates Richard Dunston, who died in 1754, his wife, who died in 1767, and their two daughters, Mary Thompson, who had been married to Thomas Thompson at Ash in 1739 and who died in 1762, and Mary Gladdish who died in 1750 at the age of thirty-eight. Mary’s marriage to Robert Gladdish is not recorded in the Ash registers.
   The Dunstons’ place of abode in Ash has not been traced, but a clue may be provided by the fact that Richard Dunston’s widow died in 1767 and young John Allen is first heard of at Idleigh in the following year.

14. The father was presumably the John Winson who, in company with James Lance, was an assessor of the Land Tax for Ash with Ridley in 1780. The rent of what must have been Ridley Court Farm was then returned as £108, that being the only rent in either parish to reach three figures. Seemingly, the fiscal labours of Messrs Lance and Winson did not end with their written assessment, for that document concluded with the words ‘and to collect the same we recommend ourselves’. The amount to be collected for Ridley Court Farm, £21.12s., was not far short of ten per cent of the total assessment for the two parishes. Being only tenant, Winson did not have to pay this himself; his colleague, as owner of North Ash Farm, had the dubious privilege of collecting the tax on that farm from himself.
   Elizabeth Allen’s brother, James Winson, was the last of the Winsons of Ridley Court. Somewhere about the turn of the century he moved on with his wife and mother to Farningham, but first his wife, then his mother and, eventually, James himself were brought back to Ridley for burial. In the churchyard there, near its boundary with Ridley Court, four altar tombs mark the Winsons last resting places.

Page 167         Page Listings        Page 169

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